Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Creative Writing Final Reflection Post

1.      Throughout this semester we have done multiple different writings. One of my favorite things we did in our journals was when we had the paint samples and created writing pieces. It was fun to take the ridiculous names and make something out of them. I also really enjoyed the “this is” poems we did that went with a picture that means a lot to us. Also the times when we had to continuously write about something you would put up on the board. For whatever reason I seemed to work better that way; probably because we were just supposed to put whatever came to mind instead of having to think more about it.
2.      I’ve read some of the other students’ blog posts and a lot of them were really good. One that sticks out to me in particular was Taylor’s scary story. The entire time I didn’t know what was going on, but I was still on the edge of my seat and eager to know what was going to happen. The end of the story in a way put things together, but at the same time left you wondering what she was talking about. If that was the first chapter or prologue of a book I would definitely want to read it. Also, other writing pieces, such as poems, that we have read in this class amaze me. I will never understand how people can so easily write poems, because they’re so difficult for me.
3.      When I was originally setting up my blog, it took me forever. The website was not cooperating. I had never had a blog before, and was a little apprehensive of the idea. Now that I’ve actually used it, I realize that I enjoy it. I like having all my writing pieces in one spot where I can easily look at all of them together. I don’t picture myself continuing to use it, but mainly because I prefer writing with pencil rather than typing things out on a computer. It makes it seem more real to me, and I feel like that’s when I do my best writing.
4.      I really enjoyed the journals. I like how much freedom we had with them. I found myself quite often writing in it even when there wasn’t a prompt to go off of. Most of the time it was when I was daydreaming about concerts or friends or something, and I would just write down whatever was coming to my mind. I would rather someone read my journal than my blog. It is definitely more scattered and somewhat messy, but I think the writing in it, and random drawings better represent me. I might continue to journal, but more in a way where it’s a random times and I’m writing them in random places, since I’m not very good a keeping track of things. I don’t think I’ll ever finish a full journal, but instead have different writings in a bunch of different journals.
5.      This picture reminds me of the first time I went to Chicago. I was with a bunch of my friends and we had been shopping all day. It was getting pretty late and we were all high on life and awed by the city’s beauty. I remember running over a bridge and yelling at my friend Abbey to come look at the view. We stood there for a while taking it all in. That was when we made a promise to come back together some time. Since then we’ve been back twice to see our favorite bands and best friends. I am in love with that city and all the memories I’ve made there.
6.      Julie smiled as she felt the warmth from the sunlight against her fare skin. For the past week, anytime she would go outside she would only be greeted with the gloominess of the grey rain clouds above. She missed playing outside, she missed the smell of fresh air, and most importantly she missed her best friend.
7.      If I do any creative writing in the future, I think it will just be for myself if I have a lot on mind. It is one way that is a good way to clear my head, but I have other ways too so that’s not always the first thing I go to.
8.      Overall this class exceeded my expectations. It was a lot of fun and one of the few lasses where I actually had motivation to work. I really enjoyed how each week had a different theme, and especially enjoyed the music week which probably isn’t much of a surprise. This class is full of very interesting, talented students that were a lot of fun to work with.


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

101 Things About Me

101 things about me
1.      About 90% of the people I know call me by my last name and have since early middle school
2.      I used to hate my middle name and I have no idea why
3.      Anytime me and my cousin would be together when we were little we would make up a dance to whatever our favorite song was at the time
4.      My first concert was Hannah Montana and my seats were so bad that I had to take binoculars
5.      I’m not a huge jewelry person, but I’ve worn the same cross necklace just about every day for almost three years now
6.      I am generally a very soft spoken person, very passive aggressive and probably the biggest pushover you’ll ever meet
7.      Whenever I’m at general admission concerts that all goes out the window and I’m willing to fight for the front
8.      If I could travel anywhere it would either be to London or Australia, but if you ask me which I would prefer I would have no idea what to tell you
9.      The best friend I’ve ever had was named Molly when I was in eighth grade, but then our families got into a fight so we have barely talked since
10.   Ed Sheeran was the first real concert I went to and he is definitely what made me fall in love with live music. And it was the day before my sixteenth birthday
11.   This year I’m going to see two of my favorite bands and meet them the day before my eighteenth birthday
12.   My favorite color has been purple since I was little, but lately I’ve become obsessed with maroon
13.   Ever since I was little, I’ve had a weird phobia of people even touching my big toe, my others are fine just not the big one. It freaks me out and gives me anxiety
14.   I used to read a lot when I was in sixth grade, but that’s about as long as that lasted
15.   Nothing makes me more mad than when I have the door closed and someone comes in but doesn’t close it when they leave, or just leaves it cracked
16.   It’s basically impossible for me to sleep if the bedroom door is open
17.   Whenever I first started “team” in gymnastics, it only lasted about a month before I wanted to go back with all my friends instead of competing because I’ve never been super competitive
18.   In 2010 I won the all-around division at the state gymnastics competition and everyone thought it was a much bigger deal than I did
19.  At that same competition I was extremely mad because I was the A flight in the first rotation of bars and they hadn’t re-chalked the bars so everyone was slipping, causing me to score lower and place fifth. That was my first time that season not placing in the top three on any event, and not getting first on bars. Not bitter though.
20.  I used to be the baby, then I became the idle child with two older sisters, two younger sisters, two younger brothers and two older brothers,  and now I’m still the middle with one older sister, one younger, one older brother, and one younger.
21.  Every October since I’ve starting high school, I’ve wound up in the hospital for some random reason. Freshman year I screwed up my ankle, sophomore year I had to have surgery to remove my gallbladder, and junior year I randomly started having seizures. I’m very thankful I survived senior year.
22.  I’ve never died my hair or highlighted it or anything
23.  When I was younger everyone thought I was adopted of mixed because I had dark skin and my hair was curled into dark ringlets
24.  My little sister is adopted from Ethiopia, and ever since my entire family has been obsessed with the country
25.  Whenever my grandma was in the hospital there was a boy from Liberia there for the same reason, and he wound up staying with us until the Mormon Church that brought him over to help him, sent him back over without a hip and stole his money he had been working for and saving because they rejected their church. We’ve kept in contact with Simeon and send him money all the time to support his life over there
26.  I used to have straight A’s but now I don’t care as much
27.  I’ve been obsessed with IHOP for a long time, and whenever I go there they know me by name and my order
28.  Nothing made me happier than when we got a Panda Express on this side of Springfield, their orange chicken is amazing
29.  I’m almost eighteen years old but I still feel like a little kid because I basically refuse to cuss
30.  I used to have dreams where some old lady in a black dress would try to kill me, and every time she talked she rhymed. I named her Scarlet.
31.  I get really attached to kids really easily. If I’ve been coaching them in gymnastics for a while, when they have to move up or quit, it makes me really sad.
32.  I’m obsessed with 5 Seconds of Summer no shame
33.  All of my best friends that I can actually picture myself being friends with after this year live far away from me
34.  There’s only two boys that I’ve actually liked and both of them ended because they had to move away.
35.  The first time I saw my new best friends, I thought I was going to hate them. Now they are the most consistent people in my life and I wouldn’t trade them for the world. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover
36.  The song I’m going to dance to at my wedding it “Tenerife Sea” by Ed Sheeran
37.  My dad owns three cabins in Arkansas so we used to go down there all the time and go hiking or something outdoors. I miss it
38.  I basically consider Ozark Mountain Gymnastics my home because I’ve been there since I was born and it’s one of my favorite places on earth. Also I’m there just about as much as I’m at home.
39.  Whenever I was little and obsessed with the Cheetah Girls, I made my mom paint  my room cheetah print and wanted her to write the Cheetah Girls really big on a wall. I’m glad she didn’t.
40.  I used to think I was Kim Possible. The only thing that I convinced me otherwise was when I went to watch a “big girl” gymnastics meet and saw Kim Procter do gymnastics. Since her name was Kim P and could do really cool flips it just made since that she was the real Kim Possible.
41.  In fifth grade I thought it would be cool to wear glasses so I purposely failed my eye test. I recently got me eyes checked again and I have 20/20
42.  My favorite number it 4 for many different reasons
43.  Even though it was a messed up marriage and everything was very difficult, I miss my ex step mom and all her kids so much. It’s been six years since they left, but I still consider them family.
44.  I was obsessed with Shawn Johnson for the longest time. I had all her routines memorized and would pretend to do them. One day she came to the gym and spotted me on beam. About a year later when I saw her at a meet and she said she remembered me was probably the coolest moment of my childhood.
45.  I have a hammock in my room and it was probably the best purchase of my life.
46.  I once paid $200 for a ticket that originally cost $13 because they sold out too quickly. I don’t even slightly regret it because it is one of my favorite memories.
47.  Chicago is one of my favorite cities in the world (not saying much because I haven’t been to that many places) because of its beauty and all the good memories I have there.
48.  I always think of great ideas in my head but never have enough guts to go through with them. My life could be so much more exciting than it actually is and I kind of hate myself for that.
49.  Every time my older brother would come home from college we would have a “M&M” night. We would get mocha frappes and Redbox movies so it would be mocha and movie night. Now he’s engaged so that doesn’t really happen anymore.
50.  My step dad is honestly my best friend, I have a better relationship with him than my actual dad but would never tell my dad that.
51.  If I have headphones in and you try to talk to me, chances are I’m going to be extremely angry on the inside but pretend like it’s no big deal.
52.  I’ve never crowd surfed before but just about every concert I think about it. One of these days I might find the courage to actually try it.
53.  I want a lot of kids when I get older because I know what it’s like to have a lot of siblings and now I know what it’s like to basically be an only child. It’s boring and lonely.
54.  I’m the type of person that records everything at concerts rather than just living in the moment. I feel like I can still enjoy it just as much and then I get to relive it as often as I want.
55.  I have read all of the Pretty Little Liars books and seen all the episodes and most definitely prefer the books over the shows.
56.  The first song I heard of now one of my favorite bands is now one that I don’t really like that much and from my least favorite album of theirs.
57.  With a good majority of the musicians I listen to, I know exactly how their concerts go so whenever I listen to the actual albums I will sing and do things how they do it live instead of how its recorded.
58.  My older sister was my gymnastics coach and that is a big reason why I quit in eighth grade, also because it took up so much time
59.  I’m very protective over my little brother that is fourteen and would do anything for him. I’m not as protective over my eight year old sister, but mainly because I feel like she can fend for herself.
60.  I used to always say the song Let Her Go by Passenger was my favorite song, but then about a year later it started playing on the radio all the time so I stopped saying it because then I just sounded like a cliché white girl.
61.  I cannot stand the taste of tea.
62.  One band that I hope I get a chance to see live before they stop being a band is Blink 182. I feel like it won’t be that much longer before they stop touring so I’m getting nervous.
63.  I cheered the first three years of high school, but then realized I hated it and it was a waste of my time and money.
64.  I have three nieces and a nephew that I love very much
65.  My little brother was diagnosed with Asperger’s and my nephew that’s two was just diagnosed with autism
66.  Disney Channel used to be my favorite thing ever and every time I hear the number 66 I think of Disney because that’s what channel it was.
67.  Christmas is my favorite time of the year
68.  My dad has always had New Year’s Eve parties for as long as I can remember
69.  My family has a somewhat new tradition for Christmas where me and my two older siblings stay up all night and then at about four in the morning we go and wake up the little kids and tell them Santa came and open presents in the middle of the night. The little kids still haven’t realized that it’s the middle of the night and not Christmas morning.
70.  I prefer leggings over jeans any day
71.  I have so many t-shirts that they fill up two drawers and half my closet, then have more at my dad’s. Most of them either consist of gymnastics or bands.
72.  My parents got divorced when I was about five and I have little to no memory of them being together
73.  I’m happy my parents got divorced because I wouldn’t know my step dad or any of my siblings besides my two older ones
74.  I don’t do anything to “style” my hair besides straighten it because that’s about all I’m capable of
75.  I still wish Zac Efron and Vannessa Hudgens would get back together because they are like my childhood
76.  I’m still obsessed with all the High School Musicals, I have all three recorded on my tv and actually watch them.
77.  I got baptized on Mother’s Day when I was nine
78.  I will hopefully be in Texas for Spring Break to see my best friends that live in Tennessee and Texas
79.  I used to have two dogs at my dad’s house but I went to my mom’s for a couple days and when I came back he had gotten rid of them
80.  Me and my cousin used to always climb a tree in my grandma’s backyard that we thought was ginormous, but in reality it was probably about six feet tall.
81.  When I was little I was painfully shy. I wouldn’t talk to anyone and would always hide behind my mom’s leg.
82.  I sucked my thumb for a very long time
83.  Still to this day I love cuddling with my mom. I always climb into her lap, which winds up in a fight between me and my little sister because she gets jealous
84.  In my house we don’t like to use the phrase “black people” because it makes my little sister upset because she’s “brown skinned, not black”
85.  I have a ton of sweatshirts and they are probably my favorite thing ever to wear since they are so comfortable.
86.  I’m honestly extremely lazy.
87.  I could easily stay up all night, but when it comes to waking up in the morning, it’s extremely hard for me.
88.  Recently I was talking about bands with my step dad and when I mentioned Green Day my mom said he didn’t know who they were. I made a very rude face to her without even realizing and she got mad at me
89.  I’m extremely sad I had to miss The 1975 concert a few weeks ago. I love listening to them even though if I’m being honest I can’t tell what the lead singer is saying half the time.
90.  Another band I just found and really like, I found them four days after they played a show in Missouri that I could’ve easily gone to.
91.  There hasn’t been a Christmas tree at my dad’s house since about fifth grade, even though I’ve always told him I wanted one. Last year we had one again but because his girlfriend wanted one, and I wasn’t allowed to help put it up.
92.  My dad has a certain picture of what a “man” is supposed to be like, and any guy that doesn’t meet those requirements isn’t worthy of anything to him. He is very judgmental and closed minded and nothing makes me more mad.
93.  Vans are my favorite kind of shoes, I have five pairs and desperately want more.
94.  I couldn’t drive for six months after I had my seizures, and two days before I was finally going to be able to drive again my dad wrecked my car
95.  This summer I’m going on a big road trip that will last about two weeks, and I’m going to eight concerts along the way. Hopefully more.
96.  Pan Pacific Grill makes me sick, but I love it and still eat it every chance I get.
97.  I might have the worst hearing for someone can hear, because I always miss hear people
98.  I always make sure my letters are connected, like if my “o” isn’t a full, connected circle, then it drives me crazy.
99.  I love Warped Tour
100.                      Alex Gaskarth, Jack Barakat, Derek DisCanio, Kellin Quinn, and Luke Hemmings are the ultimate baes.