Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Halloween Questions

The best Halloween costume I’ve had is my ninja turtle outfit in eighth grade. It was the girl version of the costume, but I still thought it was the most legit thing ever. A bunch of my friends all went as superheroes, so I instantly jumped on the ninja turtles. The best part of it was the fact that the shell on the back was like a backpack and had Velcro at the top so you could use it as your candy bag. That was the last year I at least kind of went trick or treating, and I was so proud of my costume.
The best Halloween I’ve had was the same year I was a ninja turtle. I was to the age where socializing was becoming a lot bigger of a priority. I had just quit gymnastics on the 28th, so for the first time in my entire life I had free time. I was used to being in the gym over twenty hours a week, and not getting to go to sleepovers, parties, games, or anything really. So right after I quit I was just shocked at how much I had been missing out on. That weekend, a different person was having a party every night (at least what eighth grade parties consist of), and I got to go to all of them. Obviously since gymnastics had been my life all growing up, I was very scared that I made the wrong choice quitting, but that weekend showed me what all I had been missing out on, and all the things I was going to get to do rather than be stuck in the gym.
My favorite Halloween candy that I ever received was those big pixie sticks. There was always this one house in the neighborhood that would give out the ones that were like two week long. Those were my favorite things to get ever, because my mom hated them, and never would let me eat it all at once. So on Halloween night I felt very cool since that was the one time I was allowed to eat the entire tube of pure sugar. I always made sure to go to that house every year, even if I was trick or treating in a different neighborhood, when I came home I would make my mom take me to that house.

1 comment:

  1. Pixie Sticks sound so good right now. Even the little ones. One of my favorites.
