Monday, October 20, 2014

Music Questions

3. My music choice has changed drastically throughout the years. When I was little, the only music I would really listen to was Hannah Montana or High School Musical. As I got older, my music taste was still based around the artist more rather than the music. I went through a Bieber stage in middle school. I somehow transitioned to only listening to British artists, people like Ed Sheeran, Passenger, Lewis Watson, Olly Murs, The Wanted, Little Mix, etc. Basically if an artist or group wasn’t from the UK I would cross them off the list. Somewhere in early 2013 I found a song by All Time Low. That is what started my most recent phase. I’m now really into bands where they play their own music and their live show is amazing. I have so much more respect for people that can get on a stage and play their own music, rather than have other people do it for them, or have a bunch of production and background dancers and stuff. It makes it seem a lot more real to me.
5. My friends at school for the most part don’t listen to the same kind of music as me. They usually stick to whatever plays on the radio, and not that I have anything against those songs, but I just prefer to listen to my own music when in the car rather than have other people pick the same three songs and play them over and over. However, I have friends from all over the place that I meet at concerts. Those are the people that I talk to daily and feel like I completely relate to when it comes to music choice.
7. Without music my life would be crazy. Music is like my escape, whenever I get overwhelmed or upset I can just plug in my headphones and then it’ll distract me from whatever is going on. It truly has helped me through a lot.
8. I admire the music of Front Porch Step. There are tons of artists that I love, and admire the lyrics they put together, but lately Front Porch Step is who has impressed me the most. His lyrics are so raw and honest that you can feel everything he felt while writing the songs. He doesn’t have the filter that most people would have, he writes what he feels and doesn’t have any apologies.
9. One event that I connect to music was in Chicago of July 2013. I traveled there to see 5 Seconds of Summer do an acoustic show, but while I was there I met my best friends. They are from Tennessee, but they have become my best friends since that day. We talked every day and have traveled to see each other. They are what started all my friendships of people that live far away from me, and they mean the world to me. Without music, we wouldn’t even know each other, much less be able to bond considered that’s what we are talking about ninety percent of the time.


  1. How fun that you've made some lifelong friends from your concert experiences! You seem to know a lot about music and I will always remember your line: Front row or don't even go. So true, I have found!

  2. I totally agree with you - I'd much rather listen to my own music than have to sit through the zero-variety radio stations we have in town. And I'm so jealous of you - it sounds like you have an amazing time at all the concerts you go to!
