Monday, September 8, 2014

Maya Angelou Questions

3. I think she has a point when she says talking about dreams gives them too much power. If I have a bad dream or something then I talk about, but the more I talk about it, the harder it is for me to eventually forget about what happened in the dream. Same goes for bad news or other bad things. Especially when it comes to drama at school or just everyday life. The more people talk about it, the longer it is before it all just goes away. And with drama at school, the more people talk about it the angrier people get and it all just gets blown into a way bigger deal than it ever was to begin with.
4. The thought of dreams ‘telling the truth’ is kind of scary to me. I believe that it’s true that people dream about stuff that’s going on in life or most important to them. I heard once that dreams are a collection on what all went on that day and it is our brains way of processing all of it. Or that it’s just picking out small pieces that stood out. Lately I’ve had a couple dreams that I think support that. There’s been someone that made just a small appearance in a conversation but then they were a highlight in my dream that night, when I haven’t talked to them in a couple years. Dreams work in a very strange way in my opinion. I have very weird dreams a good majority of the time so is odd for me to think that that’s what is actually on my mind.
5. I do not think I would be able to go that long without talking. Five years is a very long time, so there’s no way that I could go that long. I don’t think that I talk too much, but I also don’t think I talk too little. There are certain times when I can fit either category, but for the most part I feel like I talk the right mount. Whenever I was younger, I was very shy and my uncle always said it was because I was listening to what everyone had to say and learn from it. Whether that is true or if I was just too scared to talk to people I didn’t fully know is something I’m not quite sure of. However, I do think that if you do just stop and listen, you can learn a lot more about the people and things around you than you would if you were talking the whole time. Sometimes it’s nice to just stop and listen rather than make sure you get your ideas and opinions in all the time.
7. I have a good memory, but not with everything. I can remember more from when I was younger than I can from yesterday. Also, I can remember a lot of different things from kindergarten, and even some from preschool, but I don’t have a single memory of my parents being together, or them going through the divorce. That all was happening around the time I was in kindergarten, so I don’t understand why I can remember stuff from school or playing with friends, but nothing about my home life. I’ve heard before that people block out things they don’t want to remember. However, I can remember things from just a couple years after that that I would rather not remember, but then happy and fun moments are a little fuzzier. The brain works in a very mysterious way.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right--dreams and our brains both can be puzzling and mysterious. You are also wise to realize that feeding into the high school drama just draws it out and fans the flames. Adults like to make a bigger deal out of things many times, too, I've found--even though they are supposed to be far removed from the days of teenage drama.
